July 9, 2023 UPDATE – Our pledge results so far are very close to last year’s grand total — and we normally receive pledges well into July, even August. This is heartwarming! We’re at a couple dozen fewer pledgers than last year, however — so we are certain more will come in. The theme of Epworth’s Stewardship Campaign for 2023-2024 is “Sharing the Love.” We share God’s love for us by showing others that we love them.

A commitment to help further Epworth’s vision to Explore Faith and Embrace Community demonstrates our love for God and for others — our church family, our neighbors, folks we know and folks we don’t know.

When we donate food items, take part in the card or flower ministry, lead or participate in a small group, sing in the choir, or serve in any of the other countless ways available at Epworth, we are sharing the love of God. The same applies to our financial gifts, which are required to make possible everything we do at Epworth.

Our stewardship campaign runs throughout May. You will be seeing a few e-mail messages and hearing some testimonials, and you’ll receive a letter via US email that includes a pledge card. Pledging your financial gift for fiscal year 2023-2024, which begins July 1, helps enormously in our planning for the year ahead. The very act of pledging is a significant, sacred gift regardless of the amount.

Please help Epworth continue to be a vibrant spiritual home that serves so many, within and outside our walls. Consider renewing your pledge or starting the fulfilling journey of making your first pledge. The rewards will be greater than you ever anticipated!