Preparing for Change (November 27, 2022 – January 8, 2023)

As we continue a year-long journey of exploration into the nature of change in our faith and life, we celebrate Advent and Christmas seasons focusing on the many ways we prepare for change. Advent is one of two seasons of preparation in the Christian year (the other is Lent). It is also a time of waiting, but with a sense of purpose, as well as anticipation.

During this time of waiting, we review four phases of preparation (Practice, Persist, Perceive, and Proclaim) and four phases of what we might call the aftermath of preparation – when we deal with the ways reality differs from our expectations (Praise, Party, Pick-up, and Present Ourselves).   

Nov. 27 – First Sunday of Advent – Practice (Romans 13:11-14 – key verses – 12-13) Though we know few details of change that will come, we can live life well – not wasting the miracle of awakening but cherishing it in our daily life.
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List

Dec. 4 – Second Sunday of Advent – Persist (Isaiah 11:1–10 – key verse – 1) Sometimes, great change emerges from what we had given up as lost, so we may prepare best for change by living in the power of hopes and dreams that refuse to die.
10 am Blended Livestream (10 am ASL Livestream) Bulletin & Prayer List

Dec. 11 – Third Sunday of Advent – Perceive (Matthew 11:2–11 – key verse – 3) Change challenges our ability to predict how it will manifest, calling many unlikely partners to join in the movement, and surprising us with joy as it blooms.
10 am Blended Livestream (10 am ASL Livestream) Bulletin & Prayer ListWorship & Lyrics Sheet

Dec. 18 – Fourth Sunday of Advent – Proclaim (Matthew 1:18-25 – key verse – 21) Our dedication to change inevitably requires a public commitment which will encourage some and enrage others.
10 am Blended Livestream (10 am ASL Livestream) Bulletin & Prayer ListWorship & Lyrics Sheet

Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve – Praise (Psalm 96 (also Luke 2:1–14) – key verse – Psalm 96:10) Anticipation of change can be a gift to savor and enjoy.
5 pm Children’s Pageant Livestream (without ASL)
8 pm Lessons & Carols Livestream

8 pm Lessons & Carols ASL Livestream
Bulletin & Prayer List

Dec. 25 – Christmas Day – Party (Psalm 98 (also Matthew 2:1–12) – key verse – Psalm 98:2) Glimpses of the arc of change give us a reason to celebrate.
10 am Blended Livestream (10 am ASL Livestream) Bulletin & Prayer List

Jan. 1 – New Years Day – Pick Up (Matthew 2:13–23 – key verse – 15) Necessary pauses for rest or celebration require a renewal of our commitment to change to resume the (often arduous) path.
10 am Blended Livestream (10 am ASL Livestream) Bulletin & Prayer List

Jan. 8 – Baptism of Jesus – Present Ourselves (Matthew 3:13–17 – key verse – 15) We mark profound junctures on the journey of change with rituals that communicate new blessings to ourselves and our community of faith.
10 am Blended Livestream (10 am ASL Livestream) Bulletin & Prayer List

We meet for worship every Sunday in person (masks encouraged for safety) and via livestream at 10 am (Blended Worship with ASL Interpretation).  Join us then (and join the chat) or anytime that suits your schedule, via YouTube or Facebook. We also livestream ASL-interpreted worship on our ASL YouTube site. Subscribe to our regular YouTube or ASL You Tube site to receive notifications when we post videos and reminders of livestream worship (it’s free!). You can also find archives of past livestream worship experiences on our YouTube and ASL YouTube sites. To participate in the YouTube chat, you need to have a free Google account (you can connect and existing email address). To participate in the Facebook chat, you will need to have a free Facebook account.