This Epworth UMC Group is designed to provide members and friends of our church a small virtual and confidential group setting to share their resources, experiences, thoughts and feelings with others who are directly, or indirectly (e.g., caregivers), affected by chronic disease, infirmities, trauma, birth defects, and other issues that result in limited functionality and life challenges. The emphasis is on what is possible to ensure a rewarding life using our current abilities.

We invite you to join us via Zoom video meetings on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of every month (except holidays), from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. Please contact Ron Paxton at for more information and login details.

Ron has been trained as a group facilitator at Epworth and previously was a professional life and career coach. He co-authored “The Michelangelo Method: Release Your Inner Masterpiece and Create an Extraordinary Life” (McGraw-Hill, 2007).