All Saints Day is November 5. There is a special service remembering loved ones no longer with us. Epworth has two ways we honor our loved ones. First, for church members that passed away between Oct. 16, 2022 to Oct. 15, 2023 there is a bell banner with their name. Secondly, we remember family and friends, no longer with us in person, but certainly with us in our hearts and memories. There will be 4 tables, 2 on each side, with candles to light and tent cards to write their names. It doesn’t matter if your loved one passed away this year or ten years ago! This is an open table to light a candle in their memory.
Please check with Mickie McManamon at the pastoral care desk in the Narthex and see if your loved one’s name is on the list. Also, you will be receiving an invite to attend our online Blue Christmas Service on December 21, the longest night of the year. It is a wonderful service for anyone mourning the loss of a loved one!