Social justice activists from a few LRAC congregations are considering an action for the spring that would prepare back packs to give people upon their release from Sussex Correctional Institution (SCI).  Currently, people being released from SCI leave with what they came in with, regardless of season.  If they have been there for an extended period, they may leave with some ill-fitting clothes PERIOD. If we believe in redemption and in the potential for all people to lead productive, wholesome lives, we need to support those who need a hand up at a critical time in their lives. Almost all incarcerated people eventually return to the community as our neighbors.

This would be a project that could engage both youth and adults for an intergenerational, interfaith project that would be a service to our county.

On June 26 from 11 a.m. – noon, there will be a ZOOM meeting of interested people to plan how to move forward with such an interfaith, intergenerational project in the spring of 2025.

If you are unable to attend but would like to be part of this initiative, please send a message to with the name and contact information for the person who would represent the coalition or your congregation in the planning process.

In faith,
Susan Goekler
co-chair Social & Environmental Justice Committee UUSD