The annual Ewporth Cookie Walk will be held on Dec 16 beginning at 8:30.  Cookies are sold by the pound.  We will also have pre-packaged cookie gifts available for sale.

For all who wish to donate cookies for the Cookie Walk, thank you! Here are a few guidelines:

  • They must be homemade – no prepackaged cookie dough or cookies. We want people to know what a great cookie tastes like.
  • Please no chocolate chips.  People are looking for festive cookies. Get some red and green decorating sugar. Color your dough – be creative!

  • We ask for at least 5-6 dozen need to be all the same.
  • No worries about allergies. We put a sign out that cookies are not baked in a controlled environment.
  • They can be packaged in tupperware, cookie tins, trays etc.
  • They can be dropped off Wednesday December 13 and Thursday December 14 in the office during normal office hours
  • On Friday December 15, you may drop them off between 10:00-6:00 at the Bayside entrance to the Foyer.

For more information, contact Sue Brenton