“It is that time of the year again when our events held at the church conflict with some of the events held at Schellville.  We are trying to get their cooperation to help with this but for now, we need to monitor the lot for a few days in October.  Yom Kippur and Jazz Fest are on days they have events.  I have created a Sign Up Genius page for volunteers.  It is broken down into 2 hour slots.  Please help out anyway you can.  You can reach me at llkauffman@verizon.net if you have any questions.  Thanks, Linda

  • October 12 We have Yom Kippur events all day. They have youth services and their service events all day and then their Break the Fast meal starting at 7 PM
    Schellville has Harvest Fest from 3-8 PM
    Based on last year, we will need volunteers from 2-7 PM
    2 hours shifts will require 6 people
  • October 18 We have Jazz Fest from 5-10 PM
    Schellville has Spooktacular from 5-8 and web site says sold out
    We will need volunteers from 3 until about 8 depending on what the jazz fest event is (one lasting the 5-10 or two events in that time period) 
    2 hour shifts will require 6 people
  • October 19 We have Jazz Fest noon – 10 PM
    Schellville has Brew Bash 5-8 PM 
    Volunteers needed from about 3 until about 7 based on what is happening with jazz fest 
    2 hour shifts will require 4 people