Please support our  Code Purple fundraiser for the homeless on August 4th in Rehoboth Beach, DE. This event will help with much needed services for the homeless community in Sussex county. We have reserved tables for 10 at $400. Please contact Kim Witmer at for reservations.
Support a Noble Cause:

All proceeds from the Night Tea Dance go directly to Code Purple of Sussex County, a dedicated non-profit organization providing winter shelter and crucial human services to our community members in need. By joining us, you’re not just signing up for a night of fun—you’re helping make a significant difference in the lives of many.

Why Support Code Purple?
Code Purple is committed to serving the most vulnerable in our community, offering shelter during the coldest months and a range of services aimed at improving the quality of life for those facing homelessness and hardship. Your participation in the Night Tea Dance is a powerful gesture of support for this vital cause.

Thank you for your consideration,

LOVE Kim Witmer and Team CODE PURPLE

410 353-3798