Over the last two years, we learned that our unsheltered guests face many challenges beyond having a warm place to sleep during the coldest months. Many carry their vital possessions with them everywhere, even to work. Others keep them in unsecured places like tents and wooded areas hoping they will be there when they return. All these scenarios present issues and increase a person’s loss of dignity and add to the stress of being unsheltered.


Through the grace of God and with generous support of caring neighbors and community groups, we have secured resources to create a personal-storage solution to help meet this basic needBeginning September 7, 2024, 13-cubic-feet storage containers will be available for guests in a secure area on Route 1 near the Midway Shopping Center.

  • This program will be available throughout the year not just during the winter.
  • Guests will use a specific app to register for a container.
  • They will be assigned a container with a lock to secure their belongings.
  • We have established a clear set of rules and operating principles about what may be stored and when guests may access their containers.


Volunteers Needed—Just one hour a week!

Thanks to Mike Sipos and his team, (Kathleen Murphy, Linda Chiesi, Cathy Wagner), we have people in place to manage this new resource through September. We invite you to join us by volunteering one hour a week beginning in October. A volunteer will only be needed if a guest registers in advance. Training will be provided. To learn more and sign up click on this link:

Cape Code Purple Locker Volunteers — Signup Sheet | SignUp.com or scan the QR code at the bottom of this email.


Winter is Coming

The new season for our overnight shelters at St. Jude the Apostle and the Lutheran Church of Our Savior will begin December 1, 2024. We will be welcoming our guests through March 15, 2025. We’ve already started preparing!


Please SAVE THE DATES for Volunteer Training – Monday, Nov. 11, 2024 and Monday, Nov. 25, 2024 from 6:30-8:00 pm at St Jude Parish Life Center. Click this link for details.