Dear members of the Delaware Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty,

I write again to ask for your help because we are running out of time. Both HB 70 & HB 301 – legislation that would abolish the death penalty in Delaware, once and for all – are on the House ready list, where they have been for nearly 3 months. I am asking that you mobilize the membership of your respective organizations to urge our legislators to pass these important bills. A phone call, an e-mail, a text, or a letter will do. I have attached the letter sent to all members of the House this week urging action, should you need content for your communication. In our tool-kit you will find scripts for phone messages, texts, or e-mails, as well as the means to obtain contact information for your elected representatives.

I am confident that if a handful of members from each of our Coalition organizations reaches out to their elected representatives, the General Assembly will do the right thing and abolish the death penalty. If they do not hear from us, these bills will expire on June 30, and we will need to start all over again in 2025. Let’s act now and get this legislation passed!

Thank you so much for being a part of this coalition and for all that you have done (and will do) to bring an end state-sponsored killing in the name of justice in Delaware, once and for all.

In solidarity,
Kevin O’Connell
Chief Defender, ODS