Epworth’s Food & Love Kitchen has been chosen (along with Family Promise of Southern Delaware) as a recipient of the Dine to Donate program at Nicola’s Pizza in Lewes on Monday, February 4, from 5-9 pm. During that time, Nicola’s will donate 20% of your bill to the Kitchen at Epworth and Family Promise (what a great team!).

For thirteen plus years, The Kitchen at Epworth has faithfully reached out to feed and nurture the community. With the exception of one weather event, it has done this each Sunday providing fellowship for both congregants, members of the community, and the homeless. It is welcoming to all, for both those who come to eat and those who prepare and serve the food.

Over 100 volunteers, split into five soup teams, participate, including those from the Jewish Seaside Synagogue. Last year The Kitchen at Epworth provided 1909 meals on Sundays and 2071 meals for Good Sams. It is now providing weekly meals to the Code Purple Women’s Shelter.

All funds raised for The Kitchen at Epworth (aka The Food and Love Soup Kitchen) will help pay for supplies, food when necessary, and cover extra maintenance costs not covered in the Church kitchen budget.

Thank you for considering dining at Nicola’s Feb. 4 to support two wonderful ministries to our neighbors!