We (most of us digital immigrants) live in a digital world of exponential change that often confounds us and makes us feel inadequate. The Covid quarantine of 2020-21 irrevocably transformed the religious cultural landscape from a sanctuary from this digital world to an intricately connected part of it.  Here’s how technology has changed the world since 2000 according to a World Economic Forum post (weforum.org).

Like it or not, these sweeping changes are part of our experience of worshiping God and following Christ.

In this group conversation, we will share our experiences of this digital world and collaboratively create ways of recognizing God’s grace in life radically changed by technology. This experience of grace may involve embracing new forms of technology as well as strategies to mitigate it’s irresistible hold on us. We’ll examine scriptural texts and stories of how our forebears in the faith adapted to new technologies as well as acquaint ourselves with present and future technological trends.

  • Session 1 – Sept. 11 – Balancing (Treasures new and old – Matthew 13:52)
  • Session 2 – Sept. 18 – Coping (Red Sea Crossing – Exodus 15:19)
  • Session 3 – Sept. 25 – Discerning (Wisdom and Innocence – Matthew 10:16)
  • Session 4 – Oct. 2 – Clearing (Be still and know – Psalm 46:10)
  • Session 5 – Oct. 9 – Accepting (Cain and Abel – Genesis 4:1-5)
  • Session 6 – Oct. 16 – Reimagining (Jerusalem Conference – Acts 15:28-29)

Finding Grace in a Digital World, designed and facilitated by Rev. Dr. Bo Gordy-Stith. Wednesdays from 7-8 pm on Zoom from Sept. 11 to Oct. 16.