There is nothing more crippling than holding on to anger. Anger, more than any other emotion, has the power to consume all aspects of our lives, distort our sense of purpose, and destroy our relationship with God. Hamilton argues that revelation comes when we realize that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves rather than to someone else. He also contends that only when we learn to forgive others and ourselves can we truly receive forgiveness from God.

Roger Truitt will facilitate a five-week study of Adam Hamilton’s insightful and scripturally sound book on forgiveness. In “Forgiveness” Hamilton shows how to receive the freedom that comes with forgiving — even if we are the ones who need forgiveness. In his warm and engaging manner, Hamilton walks readers through the challenges that come with learning to forgive and ask for forgiveness. Hamilton explains how freedom, grace, reconciliation and joy are all promised to those who embrace forgiveness.

Five Thursday nights 6-7:15 p.m.
from Sept 28 thru Oct 26 @Epworth
Baker Lounge @ Epworth

Send name, email address, and phone to 

Book is available through Cokesbury or Amazon
Note: Group will be limited to first 10 who register