Hi Fam!

May God’s love, justice, and peace be with you and yours.

In companionship with orgs and partners of the Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC), we are grateful to share the Holy Days & Holidays Toolkit for the fall and winter season 2023-2024! The toolkit includes information about and resources to observe Día de los Muertos, Diwali, Thanksgiving, Advent, Hanukkah / Chanukah, and other holy days and holidays. The toolkit will be continuously updated as more resources become available.

The working group recognizes the diversity of the holy days and holidays highlighted in the toolkit and knows that the brief introduction provided doesn’t do each of them justice. It is also possible that important holy days and holidays have been overlooked. To that end, if you have any additional holidays, resources, or events you’d like to add to this toolkit, or suggested edits to existing content, please email me.

Please, amplify the toolkit by sharing this post on Facebook and this Tweet.

I am grateful to get to work with IIC members and leaders who contribute to resources like this.


Carlos (ILJ Network) & Ellie Hutchison Cervantes (Communications Consultant – IIC Communication)

Amor, Justicia, y Paz



(Formerly National Justice For Our Neighbors)

Rev. Carlos Samuel Reyes Rodríguez (él/him/his)
Culture & Outreach Manager

Office (703) 766-0442 ext. 204