Israel-Palestine Conflict

At Epworth, we join with all who live and pray for God’s realm on earth as it is in heaven in prayer and work for peace and justice in the war-ravaged region of Israel and Palestine in the wake of the Hamas attacks on civilians and soldiers in Israel and of Israel’s military response in Gaza.

We have moved our peace candle to the center of the altar as a symbol of our communal commitment. We have assembled several statement letters and an UMCOR response link here.


October 12, 2023 | A Message from Bishop Easterling

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God. – Matthew 5:9

excerpt below – read the entire letter

“Peace is not simply the absence of war, a nuclear statement or combination or uneasy ceasefires. It is that emerging dynamic reality envisioned by prophets where spears and swords give way to implements of peace; where historic antagonists dwell together in trust; and where righteousness and justice prevail.” As the children of God, we believe this prophetic vision is not just a dream or a passive prayer; rather, it is our calling. We are called to acts of mercy, peace and justice.