Each Sunday, Epworth’s Audio Visual Support Team provides technical know-how and support for four simultaneous versions of worship at Epworth (in-person, and livestreams on YouTube, Facebook, and ASL). We run two versions of our presentation software (PowerPoint) on three different screens to support the different needs of persons experiencing worship in-person and online. We remotely operate and switch between five cameras and two computers! We configure and cue different lighting settings for our 48 stage lights, choir and praise team down lights, and 13 sanctuary chandeliers.

We cue and mix three dozen sound input sources on our main sanctuary speakers, livestream feed, and five separate monitor channels for our pastors and other speakers, ASL interpreter and hearing-impaired members, Praise band, Praise singers, choir, bell choir, congregation, and folks in the lobby. 

Often, we must reset the entire worship platform for different groups who perform on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays after our worship service.

We do this every Sunday and for special evening worship experiences often with only two or three people. To join our team, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist! Cueing the Power Point screens requires only concentration and attention. We enjoy a great deal of comaraderie and a special kind of satisfaction from helping people bear sung and spoken witness to God’s goodness. If you are interested in becoming part of our special team, please contact our Pastor of Community and Communications, Bo Gordy-Stith.