The One Year Bible Experience

 One Year Through the Bible in

Fifteen Minutes a Day

So, you’ve decided to take (or at least you’re thinking about taking) the plunge – congratulations! Our group will be using the One Year Bible (OYB) plan, which includes 365 daily readings from the Old Testament and New Testament, a Psalm (or portion of a Psalm), and a Proverb. You can print out the plan to fit in your Bible or use the OYB links to go to the text or audio (in the New Living Translation), if you’re near a computer, or follow these instructions to download a shortcut to the OYB readings on your smartphone. Best of all – it’s free.

The Daily Audio Bible also follows the OYB reading schedule, if you would prefer to hear the readings from the New International Version of the Bible. There is also another online site (Audio Bible) that enables you to listen to the Bible in the ESV, KJV, or World English Bible translations (by book and chapter, not OYB readings).

Of course, you may also wish to purchase a OYB in one of many translations available. And you may purchase one of many Audio recordings of the Bible (my favorite is The Bible Experience), although following the OYB plan will mean going back and forth by book and chapter to find the four different daily readings.

That’s the reading plan.

I plan to offer Zoom gatherings for reflection and encouragement according to the following schedule:

  • weekly on Sunday evenings at 6:30 from Jan. 2 – Feb. 6)
    (Jan 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and Feb 6)
  • every two weeks on Sunday evenings at 6:30 from Feb. 20 – Jun. 19
    (Feb 20, Mar 6, 20, Apr 3, 24 (Easter is on the 17th, so we’ll skip to the 24th), May 8, 22, Jun 5, 19)
  • then every month on the second Sunday evening at 6:30 from Jul. 17 – Dec. 18
    (excepting Jul 17 & Aug 21; then Sep 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, and Dec 11)

We can decide whether we want to meet in person or online (there will always be an online option), but I plan to make this website available for our reflections and comments, so our meeting schedule will be very flexible.


  1. Rose Schmidt

    Looking forward to the challenge. Throughout the years, I’ve probably read most of the books (or at least part of them –>looking at you prophets of the Old Testament), but never in an organized way. I’m going to use my hard copy of the NRSV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible. If we have an in-person option, I will most likely attend that unless I’m out of town.

    • Roger Truitt

      Just took the plunge and signed up for Pastor Bo’s Read Thru the Bible in One Year Challenge. Looking forward to meet others willing to swim in the deep end!
      Peace and Grace, Roger

  2. Mark Holden

    Looking forward to adding this to my daily reflection

  3. Mark Holden

    Looking forward to 2022 and to increasing knowledge and understanding.

  4. David Garrett

    Count me in! When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we say, “Give us our daily bread.” God’s Word is bread for our souls. May God speak to all of us in new ways!

  5. Sarah Rice

    Pastor Bo I really enjoyed the Bible study group last night!


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Pastor Bo’s INTRO Message

First things first…

  1.  What translation(s) do you want to read?
  2.  When will you be reading each day (you will need 15-20 minutes).
  3.  Where will you be reading each day (this includes how – with a hard copy, or digital, and if digital, will you access this with a smart phone, laptop, tablet, or computer)?
  4.  How will you adjust the plan for when, where, and how during vacations or extended trips from home?
  5.  Knowing you will have some days to catch up on missed readings, will you read ahead?