Practices Which Transform (February 22 – April 9, 2023)

As we continue a year-long journey of exploration into the nature of change in our faith and life, we journey through the season of Lent (old English word meaning spring – and the 40-day period from Ash Wednesday to Easter, not including Sundays). Traditionally a time for spiritual preparation and rejuvenation, Lent invites followers of Christ to begin or to renew the practices which strengthen them spiritually and enable them to grow. Sometimes called Spiritual Disciplines, these practices – ranging from prayer and devotions to corporate worship to acts of Christian service to others as a witness to God’s reign on earth – not only sustain Christians but take us to new places in our journey with Christ.
We’re calling them Practices Which Transform, and throughout Lent, we will be examining the ways in which different spiritual practices open new possibilities of life in Christ for us all.
Feb 22 – Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6:1–6, 16–21 – key verse – 21) Spiritual Practices change our hearts
These worship experiences – imposition of ashes at noon and 6 pm – will be in-person only
Feb 26 – Non-Anxious Presence (Matthew 6:25–34 – key verse – 34) Remaining in the present and staying connected to God eases our anxiety.
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List
Mar 5 – Listening (Proverbs 4:10–12, 20–23 – key verse – 10) When we listen, we quiet our own minds and take in the words of others, which brings life and healing.
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List
Mar 12 – Respecting (Philippians 2:1–4 – key verse – 4) When we love Jesus, we watch out for what is best in and for others.
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List
Mar 19 – Suspending (John 8:2–11 – key verse – 6) Jesus slows down the conversation long enough for accusers to examine their own preconceived notions, creating space for new possibilities.
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List
Mar 26 – Voicing (John 1:1–5, 14 – key verses – 3-4) God’s word creates life and God invites us to use our words for the same purpose.
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List
Apr 2 – Humility and Courage (Palm/Passion Sunday) (Matthew 21:1–11 – key verse 10) When we walk with the resurrected Jesus, we have no fear. Instead, we face the future with hope.
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List
Apr 6 – Holy Thursday (John 13:1-17,31b-35) Service of remembrance and reflection with Communion
7 pm Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List
Apr 7 – Good Friday (John 18:1-19:42) Service of lessons and carols
7 pm Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List
Apr 9 – Easter Sunday (Matthew 28:1–10 – key verse – 10) When we remain open, even death can provide new opportunities.
6 am Sonrise Service at the Rehoboth Beach Bandstand (will not be livestreamed)
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List
We meet for worship every Sunday in person (masks encouraged for safety) and via livestream at 10 am (Blended Worship with ASL Interpretation). Join us then (and join the chat) or anytime that suits your schedule, via YouTube or Facebook. We also livestream ASL-interpreted worship on our ASL YouTube site. Subscribe to our regular YouTube or ASL You Tube site to receive notifications when we post videos and reminders of livestream worship (it’s free!). You can also find archives of past livestream worship experiences on our YouTube and ASL YouTube sites. To participate in the YouTube chat, you need to have a free Google account (you can connect and existing email address). To participate in the Facebook chat, you will need to have a free Facebook account.