We purge Epworth’s Joys and Concerns list four times a year. That list can be picked up at the pastoral care table every Sunday morning. Many of you add names of family members or friends as they need prayers. Visitors also add names as they come to our services. We have no way of getting follow up information about non members, so they need to remain on the list or be removed. They remain on our Joys and Concerns list until we do a purge. As we begin 2024 it is time to purge the current list. If you want a name to remain on the list printed January 14, 2024 please let Mickie know at the Pastoral Care Desk in the Narthex of by email. We will continue to add additional names as you bring them to us. Epworth has a powerful group of prayer warriors. Please know we pray for all names on this list. Thank you for your help.
Mickie McManamon
Director of Caring Ministries
Epworth UMC