During the five Seaside Jewish Community High Holy Days services held here at Epworth in September, the members of the congregation donated 850 pounds of food for ditribution to our neighbors through Epworth’s Good Sam ministry. After Dotti Outland’s donation porcessing team sorts, weighs, and stores the donations (Bayside entrance, Tuesdays (10 am to noon) and Thursdays (2-4 pm)), Good Sam volunteers ditribute them to our hungry neighbors on Sundays (noon to 2 pm), Tuesdays (10 am to noon) and Thursdays (2-4 pm).

During last year’s High Holy Days, Seaside Jewish Community donated over 800 pounds of food.

Seaside Jewish Community members have been a longstanding ministry partner with Epworth. They provide one of our primary Food and Love kitchen teams, join us and invite us to Peace with Justice community ministry efforts, and most recently staffed the dessert table weekly for our J-1 student suppers during the summer. Their Rabbi Emeritus, Beth Cohen, serves as Preseident of the Board of Directors of the Community Resource Center, through whom we provide financial assistance to our neighbors in need.

Pastor Bo, who has provided live production and livestreaming services for the Seaside Jewish Community High Holy Days for the past four years, celebrates our special relationship with our neighbors on Holland Glade Road (and can sing along with most of the songs!).

We thank God for uniting us with others engaged in the ministry of healing our world with love.