Thriving Good News Travels Fast

(July 28 – September 1, 2024)

This worship year (September 2023 – August 2024) our theme is thriving in our faith and life. Our second summer worship series focuses on the several Thriving Good News stories of hope and transformation through encounters with Jesus from John’s Gospel. Each Sunday, we’ll gather at a virtual breakfast table around a different front-page story. Join us for a spiritually nutritious breakfast and journey of discovery, rediscovery, and encouragement.

Click on the pictures below for the bulletin/prayer list (available by Thursday afternoon before the Sunday date). The links below each picture for the sermon summary, study, devotional, and quotable moments, will be available every Monday after the Sunday date.

  • Sermon summary
  • Sermon-based Bible study guide
  • Sermon-based Daily devotional
  • Prayer prompts
  • Sermon summary
  • Sermon-based Bible study guide
  • Sermon-based Daily devotional
  • Prayer prompts
  • Sermon summary
  • Sermon-based Bible study guide
  • Sermon-based Daily devotional
  • Prayer prompts