Prayer chapel and Stephen Ministry

Prayer is an essential part of Christian life. It’s how we open ourselves to talk with God. We pray for others. We pray for our world. We pray for ourselves. Epworth’s prayer chapel is in full swing! Our Stephen Ministers are present to guide you through prayers, pray with you or for you, or just listen to you. The prayer chapel is held in Baker Lounge and Scott’s Chapel immediately after service every Sunday. All prayers are confidential and private. You can also request a caring, one-on-one relationship if you need additional time with a Stephen Minister. We are there to walk beside you as you seek God’s comfort.

If you decide later that you would like a Stephen Minister, please contact the church office (302-227-7743) or send an email to and you will be put in touch with a Stephen Leader.

What’s a Stephen Minister?

Traditionally, Stephen Ministers are lay congregation members of our church, trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation. Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need.

But during these unpreceded times, we are here for you even if you need just a phone call or note.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like more information, or if you’d like a Stephen Minister to reach out to you. You can also stop by the Prayer Chapel for immediate prayers with a Stephen Minister.

Blessings from the Stephen Ministry Group

Val and Susan
Stephen Leaders

Every Sunday, our Stephen Ministers host a Prayer Chapel in the Baker Lounge (across the foyer and to the left as you exit the sanctuary – any overflow will continue in the Nursery next to the Baker Lounge). 

Our Stephen Ministers will offer this prayer ministry each Sunday after worship.

The Crucial Role of Caregiving

One of the most important jobs God calls us to is caregiving: loving others in God’s name. Our congregation’s Stephen Ministry is one way we accomplish God’s caring work. If you’re at a place where you feel ready to serve and bless others in this way, explore the possibility of Stephen Ministry by contacting the church office today to find out more about this ministry. A training class will be offered in 2022.