The Case for Change (October 23 – November 20, 2022)

As we continue a year-long journey of exploration into the nature of change in our faith and life, we focus on the case to be made for the necessity and opportunity presented by change. Change is so much more than a disruption; through change we are invited into the possibility of growth and transformation. We’ll explore the role of change in five arenas: the cosmos, biology, theology, religion, and culture.
Oct. 23 – Cosmic (Genesis 1:1-6, 9, 11, 14-15, 20, 24, 26-27 – key verses – 2-3) From the beginning, change has ushered in new possibilities in our universe and world.
9 am Contemporary Livestream (9 am ASL Livestream)
11 am Traditional Livestream – Bulletin & Prayer List
Oct. 30 – Biological (Leviticus 25:1-7 – key verse – 4) God weaves change into the fabric of life, inviting us into the rhythm of life change in weekly cycles of work and sabbath.1
9 am Contemporary Livestream (9 am ASL Livestream) 11 am Traditional Livestream – Bulletin & Prayer List
Nov. 6 – Theological (Isaiah 2:2-4 – key verse – 2) Catastrophic change can heal our blindness and enable us to understand God in ways that transcend self-interest.
9 am Contemporary Livestream (9 am ASL Livestream) 11 am Traditional Livestream – Bulletin & Prayer List
Nov. 13 – Religious (Matthew 5:43-48 – key verses – 44-45) Jesus invites us to change and challenge our religious habits in order to experience the transforming power to which all true religion points.
9 am Contemporary Livestream (9 am ASL Livestream)
11 am Traditional Livestream – Bulletin & Prayer List
Nov. 20 – Cultural (Acts 10:9-16 – key verse – 15) Long-held cultural practices can prevent us from aligning our lives with our beliefs. Changing them can help us live the truth in relationship with others.
9 am Contemporary Livestream (9 am ASL Livestream)
11 am Traditional Livestream – Bulletin & Prayer List
We meet for worship every Sunday in person (masks encouraged for safety) and via livestream at 9 am (Contemporary Worship and ASL Interpretation) and at 11 am (Traditional Worship). Join us then (and join the chat) or anytime that suits your schedule, via YouTube or Facebook. We also livestream ASL-interpreted worship on our ASL YouTube site. Subscribe to our regular YouTube or ASL You Tube site to receive notifications when we post videos and reminders of livestream worship (it’s free!). You can also find archives of past livestream worship experiences on our YouTube and ASL YouTube sites. To participate in the YouTube chat, you need to have a free Google account (you can connect and existing email address). To participate in the Facebook chat, you will need to have a free Facebook account.