Emotions of Change (January 15 – February 19, 2023)

As we continue a year-long journey of exploration into the nature of change in our faith and life, we celebrate the season of Epiphany (light) by bringing to light the diverse emotions we experience in the process of change and transformation. Taken together, this collection of emotional responses (or anticipation) resembles Swiss-American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ five Stages of Grief. After opening with Psalm 50, we explore several Gospel passages as we walk through different ways we experience the grief of old things passing away as they give way to the new thing that Christ is accomplishing in our lives. 

We pray this series will shed some light on the powerful ways we experience change and transformation.


Jan 15 – Fear and Denial (Psalm 50:1–8 – key verses – 5-6) Change can often trigger our fears and the urge to run away and hide from the reality and necessity of change.
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List

Jan 22 – Anger (John 11:17–27 – key verse – 21) Martha, angry over her brother’s death, accuses Jesus of not being there.
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List

Jan 29 – Depression (John 11:33–37 – key verse – 35) Martha, angry over her brother’s death, accuses Jesus of not being there.

Feb 5 – Bargaining (Mark 14:32–42 – key verse – 36) Before his own death, Jesus bargained with God to take away his suffering.
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List

Feb 12 – Acceptance (Matthew 26:6–13 – key verse – 12) Jesus accepted his own death and allowed others to minister to him.
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List

Feb 19 – New Opportunities (John 16:17–24 – key verse – 22) When we remain open, even death can provide new opportunities.
10 am Blended Livestream (ASL Livestream) – Bulletin & Prayer List

We meet for worship every Sunday in person (masks encouraged for safety) and via livestream at 10 am (Blended Worship with ASL Interpretation).  Join us then (and join the chat) or anytime that suits your schedule, via YouTube or Facebook. We also livestream ASL-interpreted worship on our ASL YouTube site. Subscribe to our regular YouTube or ASL You Tube site to receive notifications when we post videos and reminders of livestream worship (it’s free!). You can also find archives of past livestream worship experiences on our YouTube and ASL YouTube sites. To participate in the YouTube chat, you need to have a free Google account (you can connect and existing email address). To participate in the Facebook chat, you will need to have a free Facebook account.