Epworth Youth Group Reverse Advent Event!

We are about to embark on our annual Reverse Advent Event here at Epworth. This is a major source of food goods for the Epworth Pantry. We suggest adding a food item into the box for everyday in Advent. The Youth Group will provide the needed boxes along with a list of the types of foods that are the most needed. The boxes will be available in the narthex beginning on Sunday, November 26.

There are a couple strategies that we recommend for selecting food for your box. First, we have a list of the most needed items as well as some that are also needed, what we like to call a need to have list and a nice to have list. If you use that strategy, or just shop for a few items during your regular grocery shopping, it help most to select multiple cans or boxes of specific item.

The other strategy is to have a “theme” box. For example, you may have a breakfast box with items like cereal, oatmeal pancake syrup and mix, or a “ready to eat” box with items that are ready to heat and serve like Chef Boyardee style products, chili, and beef stew.

In the end we just ask that you follow your heart and help us help many, many people in our community.