A Season of Mystery:
10 Spiritual Practices for Embracing a Happier Second Half of Life

Paula Huston—a grandmother, and also a caretaker for her own mother and for her in-laws—shares with readers a far more fulfilling way to approach how we live and how we think about the second half of life. Each chapter offers a spiritual practice that is particularly suited to nurturing us in ways we would never have recognized in our younger lives.

For example, the practice of “listening” helps us quit superimposing our own take on every situation before we have a chance to hear and see what is truly there; the practice of “delighting” encourages us to notice and be thankful for what is small and seemingly insignificant. Each of the 10 practices serves as an antidote to the classic afflictions of old age, such as close-mindedness, complaining, and fear of change.

The book is available on Amazon, including on Kindle. But if you are not an Amazon fan or don’t mind a used book you can also try Abe books or Thrift books 

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The book is only 224 pages and is available at Amazon, including on Kindle.

Five Tuesdays beginning at 9:30 a.m. January 9 as an Epiphany prelude to Lent. We will meet in person unless the weather is bad.

Lee Ann organized and led several book studies while at Christ Episcopal Church in Dover. She created a group there called Women of a Certain Age, but all Pilgrims of a Certain Age are welcome here. 

Contact: Lee Ann Walling