Ushers and Greeters for Sunday Services

Rick Buske is assisting our Worship Team in organizing an usher schedule for the Sunday morning worship service. He is working to schedule 6 -10 ushers each Sunday, and depending on the interest, you may only be needed once a month.  Because of changes to our service,...

Epworth Emmaus Fall Gathering on Sept. 22nd

Please join us for a pot luck dinner and Emmaus program including song, Emmaus activity updates, testimonies and communion on Friday, September 22nd at 6PM in the Epworth Fellowship Hall. This gathering is for anyone who has already been on the their Emmaus walk....

Financial Update

Epworth has received an additional amount of roughly $83,000 from the IRS through the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act. This payroll tax credit is for the first and third quarters of 2021. A credit of approximately $36,000, for the second...