You may have received the following false email this week:

From: “Rev. Dr. Vicki Gordy-Stith, Lead Pastor” <>
Date: April 5, 2024 at 11:09:37 PM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;


Hi, How are you doing today?

Can you please let me know if you’re available at the moment?

Just checking if you have ever ordered from Amazon or purchased physical cards from the store ?  

Here’s what I need you to do for me, I aimed to surprise some of our church staff members with a surprise gift this week as to show some appreciation to team members. And you will keep one for yourself too.    

Kindly email me back immediately if you get this? God Bless You

In Christ,
Pastor Vicki Gordy-Stith, Lead Pastor

Sent from my MacBook

Please note the following indications that this email is not a legitimate request:

  1. We will never directly request money or gift cards for the pastor(s) or other staff member
  2. Note the pastor’s email address is not correct. It should be
  3. The scammer will always ask you to email them back (by replying to the scam email address) – often they will instruct you not to call or to contact them any other way.

Several of our members who received this message sent a text or emailed Pastor Vicki at her address to verify the message and to let us know, rather than answering the email. The best thing to do is ignore the email and delete it. ‘Tis the season; be careful.