I have fond childhood memories of Dad sitting at the kitchen table every Sunday morning, in his starched white shirt and suspenders, writing out a check to Brooklyn Memorial Methodist Church in Cleveland, OH. My parents’ dedication instilled in me the importance of supporting a church financially. My family was by no means wealthy, but tithing was a given. Everything else came after that.

A significant aspect of giving is making a pledge to support God’s work through the church. This kind of commitment helps in managing expenses and scheduling needed projects — which can be extensive, given the scope of our building and grounds.

YOU can help Epworth thrive financially — which in turn helps Epworth ministries and worship thrive — by taking part in our “Striving to Thrive” pledge campaign.

You soon will receive a letter with a pledge card in the mail. Thank you for your prayerful consideration to making a pledge for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, whether or not you have done so in past years. The commitment is the important thing, regardless of the amount pledged. A pledge is a statement of intent, not a formal agreement; it can be adjusted as circumstances dictate. We are requesting that pledges be submitted during May if possible. The fiscal year begins in July.

This is also a convenient time to consider contributing toward your pledge at epworth.faith/give. Establishing a pledge amount or adjusting that amount through the giving portal, which is accessed through our website home page, is an easy process. We can help if you have questions. If you are an online giver or decide to become one, it would still be helpful to receive a completed pledge card.

Thank you for all you do to make Epworth a thriving congregation. ALL of your gifts are appreciated!

– David Hagelin, Finance Committee chair