For changes and additions, please contact our scheduling coordinator.
See our Announcements page
Oceanside curbside pick-up of food for anyone in need.
Practice is done in the Sanctuary
Compassionate Friends meet in the Branford Lounge
Jazz Festival is also using Branford, Music and Simpson rooms as holding rooms. Sanctuary - $1,500, Music wing - $300, Branford - $100, Simpson - $100, Lighting & video 3 days & rehearsals - $750, Custodial 3 performances - $225, Wanda - please show them where the tables are and they will put them up. They will hire their own security. Mid South Audio is doing sound. Steinway piano to be left behind acordian doors (Bo & Wanda to unlock for them to roll it into) until early Monday afternoon, when they will pick up.
(Meet from 7:45-8:00 and leave together at 8 am from the Bayside Portico) Join Pastor Bo and friends for a beautiful ride and great conversation around the Junction-Breakwater Trail (16 […]
The Jazz Festival will also be using the Branford, Music and Simpson Rooms
Jazz Festival is also using Branford, Music and Simpson rooms as holding rooms. Sanctuary - $1,500, Music wing - $300, Branford - $100, Simpson - $100, Lighting & video 3 days & rehearsals - $750, Custodial 3 performances - $225, Wanda - please show them where the tables are and they will put them up. They will hire their own security. Mid South Audio is doing sound. Steinway piano to be left behind acordian doors (Bo & Wanda to unlock for them to roll it into) until early Monday afternoon, when they will pick up.
For changes and additions, please contact our scheduling coordinator.
See our Announcements page