What did you think of the stagelights we debuted on Easter Sunday (with a sneak preview on Holy Thursday and Good Friday)? They are part of a special gift from an Epworth household that enabled us to purchase a stage camera, (which enables us to show the perspective of the congregation from the worship platform) and eight wireless, colored lights for our worship backdrop. Pastor Bo first saw the lights used in a concert at Epworth in the summer of 2021. We are so grateful to the couple whose generosity enables us to include sweeping views of our congregation from the front and to liven up our worship background for in-person and livestream participants.

You’ll be seeing the lights and camera in action every Sunday. We have the ability to change the colors remotely but will typically use a light setting for each worship experience. And have no fear! Though we have the ability to zoom the stage camera, we aren’t planning any kiss cam shots anytime soon =) We now have four remotely controllable and one fixed (ASL) camera to use for in-person and livestream worship, along with:

  • 48 stage lights,
  • 30 microphones,
  • 12 sanctuary chandeliers,
  • eight colored stage lights,
  • six instruments,
  • five monitors,
  • two front, and
  • one rear projection screens.

We control it all with:

  • a 125-channel light board,
  • 120-channel switchboard patching
  • 104 stage floor connections to our
  • 48-channel sound board (and remote iPad),
  • four computers (for Windows/online/PowerPoint input, camera switching, and three simultaneous livestream outputs),
  • a five-camera remote controller/
  • and 8-input switcher with two program outputs, and
  • a solid-state recording/playback deck.

Our team has now grown by two! Bryan Warner and Mike Duer join the band of (so far) brothers (Shaun Redick, Thomas Vyas, Noah Ryan, Kayden Holt, and Scott Button – and Pastor Bo).