April 14, 2024 UPDATE: The county has issued a permit for the electronic sign! We are reviewing the revised bids and preparing to break ground! (Thanks expecially to Bob Joynson!) 

October 26 UPDATE: The Sussex County Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously approved our conditional use application after hearing a presentation from Bob Joynson (Inviting Ministry Lay Lead) and Linda Kauffman (Administrative Board Chair) Thursday afternoon, Oct. 26, 2023. We will present our application for final approval to the Sussex County Council at a public hearing on Dec. 12, 2023. 

July 2, 2023 UPDATE: We are applying for a conditional use permit to install a digital sign in an area zoned AR-1 (agricultural residential). 

As we announced during the 30 April Sunday service we have a small group of people who believe an electronic sign would be a good addition to our Epworth church to spread our message and the good works of our ministries to the local community.  Through a combination of individual donations and a $26,000 grant from the Annual Conference Congregational Development Corporation we are close to reaching our funding goal for the electronic sign; we are only $8,000 short of our goal.  During the next few months you should see progress towards the installation of the electronic sign at Epworth.  Please contact Bob Joynson (bobjoynson@gmail.com) if you would like more information about the electronic sign project at Epworth.