May 14 MULTI-FAITH COFFEE AND CONVERSATION at St. Peter’s Episcopal in Lewes

The May Coffee and Conversation will be the last until YNF begins again in September.

The Multi-Faith Steering Committee will host its next Coffee and Conversation at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church from 8:30-9:30 a.m. on Tuesday May 14, 2024.  This is a great opportunity to meet with others of different faiths and build rewarding relationships.  The topic will be “Spirituality in Conflict.”  All are welcome!   To register, please fill out the registration form here by May 12, 2024.

Please note: the parking meters will be in effect on May 14.  Plan to pay for parking when you arrive.  

The Multi-faith Steering Committee is dedicated to bringing opportunities for growth in our communities’ interfaith relations.   Our emphasis is on building strong personal relationships across our diverse faith, racial and cultural communities and on creating social interactions among our neighbors, clergy and youth.